Subproject 04: SPHINGONET Trainingsmaßnahmen
Projektstatus: abgeschlossen
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  • SPHINGONET was inspired by a common vision of its partners on the training of researchers in the field of sphingolipid homeostasis and body-wide sphingolipid signaling networks using innovative technological approaches. Dysregulation of sphingolipid balances contributes to a broad range of pathological processes, spanning neurodegeneration, asthma, autoimmune disease, insuline resistance, obesity and cancer progression. Key to defining proper sites for therapeutic intervention is a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of sphingolipid homeostasis and how sphingolipid-mediated signaling pathways are interconnected. In spite of its many clinical implications, progress in this field is curbed by a lack of appropriate tools to monitor, quantify and manipulate sphingolipid pools in live cells. SPHINGONET’S training program is designed to close these gaps in knowledge and technology by transferring the complementary expertise of its partners to a future generation of scientists who will take a leading role in decoding the full regulatory potential of the sphingolipid signaling network and maximize its therapeutic use. By merging seven academic partners working at the forefront of sphingolipid, chemical and systems biology with three (pro)drug discovery-oriented SMEs, SPHINGONET will create a challenging interdisciplinary and clinically-relevant research environment with ample opportunities for structuring industrial projects, commercial exploitation of results, entrepreneurship and complementary education adapted to the personal needs. Thus, SPHINGONET will provide its trainees with a rounded education that, besides enhancing their career perspectives, will enable them to choose a career path in Europe’s academia or industry, and be successful at it while retaining ties between both these bodies.


  • 01.02.2012 - 31.01.2016


  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Germany), University of Geneva (Switzerland), Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (Switzerland), University of Oxford (United Kingdom), Utrecht University (Netherlands), University College London (United Kingdom)




  • Apoptose
  • Homöostase
  • Phosphoproteomik
  • Sphingolipide

Übergeordnetes Projekt



Finanzierung durch


  • 46.000,00 €
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