Sub-project 03: Spin quantum computing based on endohedral fullerenes with integrated single-spin read-out via nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond
Projektstatus: abgeschlossen
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  • The groundwork for a truly scalable solid-state quantum computer will be laid based on molecular spin qubits in paramagnetic endohedral fullerenes (PEF) that are read out via optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) of nitrogen vacancy centres (NVC) in diamond placed beneath the PEF. In the first funding period, the coherent control of NVC with ODMR in a quantum algorithm is demonstrated, decoherence mechanisms are determined for both qubit types and ways to combat them, coherent dipolar coupling between NVC and molecular spins on the surface is achieved, the atomic surface structure of diamond is unravelled, and atomic scale engineering strategies are explored. The second period will be focussed on integrating the PEF qubits in a functional device using a novel approach based on their encapsulation into carbon nanotube peapods. The peapods will be placed atop NVC previously identified using microscopy techniques and local magnetic field gradients will be applied. The milestone for the six year project duration is the demonstration of quantum operation of several coupled PEF qubits with optical read-out.


  • 01.02.2016 - 30.04.2017





Finanzierung durch


  • 71.549,00 €
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