We are leading a breakthrough EU H2020 project, creating a solution that will help users/students find what they need not just in OER repositories, but across all open educational resources on the web. This solution will adapt to the user’s needs and learn how to make ongoing customized recommendations and suggestions through a truly interactive and impactful learning experience. This new AI-driven platform will deliver OER content from everywhere, for the students’ need at the right time and place. This learning and development solution will use the following solutions to accomplish this goal: Aggregation: It will gather relevant content in one place, from the projects case studies as well as external providers and other preferred resources. Curation: AI and machine learning will be key to curate relevant and contextual content and external students at the right time and point of need. Personalization: It will make increasingly personalized recommendations for learning content to suit students’ needs, based on the analysis of relevant factors. Creation: Large, small and medium-sized universities have tacit knowledge that can be unlocked and re-used. This approach will allow any organization to release and build their own content libraries quickly and conveniently to share with the world and vice versa.