- Team Peace institute (Mirovni inštitut) (Slovenia), Peace institute (Mirovni inštitut) (Slovenia), London Metropolitan University (United Kingdom), University of Porto (Portugal), German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law (Germany), Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe, Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V. (Germany), Association for Non-violent Communication (SIovenia), IMKAAN (United Kingdom), União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta (Portugal), Koordinierungskreis gegen Frauenhandel und Gewalt an Frauen im Migrationsprozess – KOK e.V., (Germany), Society Kljuc – Centre for Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings (SIovenia),Black Association of Women Step Out Ltd. (BAWSO), Cardiff, (United Kingdom), German section of the Fédération lnternationale des Communautés Educatives (FICE) e. V (Germany), Association against sexual abuse (SIovenia), Childrens’ Services - Harrow Council London (United Kingdom), Associacão Projecto Criar (APC) (Portugal)