Values and Human Rights Education in Higher Teacher Education
Projektstatus: abgeschlossen
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  • The Universität Osnabrück, the Universidad de Costa Rica and the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica collaborate with each other in this subject-related university partnership. The project objective is the research and development, as well as the later implementation, of a two-stage, transversal study on academic, systematic and explicit values and human rights education in higher teacher education, taking into account local specificities to support and enhance the quality of teaching in the participating universities. The Costa Rican universities are characterized in particular by a triad of teaching, research and social engagement, which suggests the integration of the Costa Rican strongly present topic of values and human rights education in the academic teacher education. The project, thus, contributes to the integration of explicit value and human rights education in the international public education sector, as stated and demanded for a long time by the UN General Assembly (UN Declaration on Human Rights Building and Training, 2011), human rights institutes (IIDH, GIHR) and the German Conference of Ministers of Culture.


  • 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021


  • Universidad de Costa Rica - Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE); Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica - Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE); Centro de Estudios Generales (CEG); Universität Osnabrück - Costa Rica Center, Forschungsstelle Werte-Bildung, Center for Teacher Education (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung); Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH); German Institute for Human Rights (GIHR); Novamerica

Finanzierung durch


  • 170.060,07 €
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