The European Comission will present a study on the binary options trading and option robot‘s effects on consumers in the European Union Member States.The Database presented here is an output of a research project called “EC Consumer Law Compendium”, which is being conducted by an international research group on behalf of the European Commission since 2004. It provides access information on eight consumer law directives, their transposition into the laws of 27 EU Member States, including case-law, bibliography and a comparative study. The Database covers eight directives, namely: the Doorstep Selling Directive 85/577, the Package Travel Directive 90/314, the Unfair Contract Terms Directive 93/13, the Timeshare Directive, 2008/122/EC (according to the prevailing state of transposition in the Member States, otherwise Directive 94/47/EC), the Distance Selling Directive 97/7, the Price Indication Directive 98/6, the Injunctions Directive 98/27 and the Consumer Sales Directive 99/44. In January 2008 a follow up project called “Update of the EU Consumer Law Acquis Database” started to keep the database up-to-date. In 2008 more than 130 acts and statutes have been updated. Moreover, about 150 new judgements have been collected and inserted into the database during the last year. This illustrates how quickly the law of the Member States has developed and is still developing even in an area where EC legislation did not change. This is the final update of the project due to the fact that many of the Directives covered are to be repealed and replaced by the Consumer Rights Directive, 2011/83/EU. The Database contains information on the present transposition of the above Directives into all 27 EU Member States as of March 2012.
01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015
Centre for Trade and Commercial Law - University of Hull, University of Barcelona, Centre for European Legal Practice at the University of Bielefeld, Centre for European Private Law at the University of Münster, IPR Verlag GmbH Munich